• Senin, 23 Juli 2018


    PART I
    A. Background
    According to Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), flooding is the setting of the events of the mainland (which is usually dry) because of increased water volume. The second definition from the dictionary, flooding is juicy and heavy, sometimes overflowing. The second notion is usually used to mention the flooded river or stream. If the word "flood" plus the prefix "me" and the suffix "i" so "flooded" it means to be "flooded". So, when used in the phrase "The rain flooded roads in Jakarta," it is the same meaning with rain flooded roads in Jakarta. Of that sentence shows that the "flood" and "puddle" has the same sense, is no different. This means understanding Bang Foke about flooding was less tepat.banjir is a state of the river, where the water flow is not accommodated by the riverbed, causing runoff, and or puddle on land that should be dry.
    Flooding as a state menenggelami water or flooded area or place something comprehensive. Those that defines a flood as a flood water in excess of the standard capacity due to continuous rain. Anything else is stated as the presence of water flooding in a wide area so that it covers the region of the earth's surface.
    B. Problem Formulation
    In the making of this course apart from the problems Tisak ingion reached by the authors. And the problem was, among others:
    1. What is the definition of flooding?
    2. Are the causes of the flood?
    3. How does the prevention of flooding
    4. The impact of the floods
    5. How do I cope with flooding
    C. Objectives
    The goal of the authors in the manufacture of this paper are:
    1. Want to know the definition of floods;
    2. Want to know how the prevention of flooding;
    3. Want to know the impact of floods;
    4. Want to find out the causes of the flood;
    5. Want to know how to cope with flooding.
    D. Benefits
    The benefits obtained by the author are:
    1. To know the definition of floods;
    2. to determine how to prevent against flooding;
    3. Can know the impact of floods;
    4. to determine the causes of the flood;
    5. Can know how to cope with flooding.

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