• Selasa, 19 Februari 2013



    A.     Research Design
    The researcher uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) and will be divided two cycles; it consists of four phases those are; planning, action, observation, and reflection. If the result observation in cycle one show that the students still have serious problem in writing recount text, the researcher can revise the plan to cycle two.
    Cycle I
    Cycle I consist of planning, observation, action, reflection as follows;
    1.    Planning
    d.    The researcher prepares the material about recount text
    e.    The researcher makes lesson planning for the first, second third, and fourth meeting about recount text material.
    f.    The researcher make checklist observation
    g.    The researcher makes evaluation tool to evaluate the students ability
    2.    Action
    a.    The researcher gives some topics to the students
    b.    The students choose one topic
    c.    The students concentrate on ideas, forget about grammar, mechanics and organization
    d.    The students make recount text with rewrite the story by their own words without stopping and correct mistake
    e.    The students write in the native language if the students do not know a word in target language
    3.    Observation
    The researcher observes the students activity in learning process by using checklist observation to know the participation or the activity of the students.
    4.    Reflection
    After applying quick writing strategy in action since four meetings, the researcher give evaluation to the students to know the students ability in writing recount text in cycle I. the result of data analysis from evaluating in cycle I will be reflected in cycle II, the researcher completed something less and will increase something good.
    Cycle II
    In the second cycle will be conducted for times meeting, this cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. It will be do if in the cycle I was failed.
    1. Planning
    At this stage carry out steps are continue the activity at cycle I, correct and fix the weakens at cycle I, re-planning the scenario refer to the lesson, from result of cycle I.
    2. Action
    The action in the second cycle will be done by continuing the first cycle’s step base on the second cycle planning. The material and learning strategy is same.
    3. Observation
    In generally, in this section observation of the second cycle will be continuous in action at the first section.
    4. Reflection
    Result of observation and evaluation that collect and analyze. Then the writer can make conclusion.
    B.    Research Variables
    The variables in this research consist of independent and dependent variable:
    a.    Independent variable
    Independent variable of the research is the use of quick writing strategy in teaching writing skill.
    b.    Dependent variable
    Dependent variable of the research is the students’ writing ability in recount text view from its generic structure.
    The indicators of content are:
    a.    Orientation
    b.    Events
    C.    Research Subject
    The subject of the research is the eleven grade students of SMAN I Bone-Bone in 2012-2013 academic years.
    D.    Research Instrument
    In this researches, the researcher uses two kinds of instrument namely observation sheet and written test. Observation sheet aims at finding out the student’s data about their presence and activeness in teaching and learning process. The test will be used in the last item of every cycle to measure the student’s ability in recount text.
    E.    Technique of Data Analysis
    In the content component the researcher uses scale 51 – 100
    The scoring in this test, the researcher follows the scoring procedure below:

    1). Orientation

    Classification    Score    Criteria

    Very good


    Fairly good

    Fairly    95-100




    50 -59    Complete in introducing the personal participation, place, and time

    To introduce the personal participation place and time enough

    Cannot incomplete to in introduce the personal participation, place and time

    No relevant to in introducing the personal participation, place and time

    No answer in introducing

    2.) Events
    Classification    Score    Criteria


    Very good


    Fairly good





    50 -59

    Complete series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence

    To introduce a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence enough

    Cannot incomplete a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence

    Not relevant series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence

    No answer in events
    (Harmer. 2004:32)

    F.    Data analysis
    The data in the cycle I and II will analyze through:
    1.    Scoring all the components of writing, using the follows classification:
    95 – 100 classified as excellent
    80 – 89 classified as very good
    70 – 79 classified as good
    60 – 69 classified as fairly good
    50 – 59 classified as fair
    40 – 49 classified as poor
    0 – 39 classified as very poor

    2.    Calculating the mean score of each total score of the group, the following formula used:
    X= ∑X

    Where: X = Mean score
         ∑ = the total score
         N = the total number of students

                            (Gay, 1981; 298)

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